Olga Mikhailovna Potapova
(INN 165 505 673 209), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", offers any individual, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", to conclude a contract on the following conditions
offers any natural person, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", to conclude a contract on the following terms and conditions. In accordance with paragraph  2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code RF, this proposal is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of which according to Art. 438 of the Civil Code 438 of the Civil Code RF is the Client’s first payment for the services offered by the Contractor in the order determined by this Agreement. Acceptance of the offer means that the Client agrees with  all provisions of this offer,
and  is equal to the conclusion of the agreement on the provision of services. The date of conclusion of the contract shall be deemed to be the date of payment.

For the purposes of this offer, the following terms shall be used
in the following meanings:
Acceptance of the Offer
- complete and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause  2.2 of the Offer. Acceptance of the Offer creates the Contract.
The Customer
-  a person who has performed the Offer Acceptance and is a purchaser of paid services under the concluded Contract.
- contract between the Client and the Contractor.
on provision of services, which is concluded by means of Acceptance of the Offer.
Website - Internet resources containing full information about content and cost of services placed at the following addresses:
- Information counselling in the form of online/offline meeting with the client.
Package of services  - a set of services.
Tariff  - the cost of the service/ package of services.


The Contractor shall provide and the Client shall pay for the information services, the duration and plan of which are placed in the relevant sections of the Website.

By making a full or partial payment (making a deposit), the Client expresses his full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this agreement (acceptance).

The cost of services under the Agreement is posted on the website and is the amount specified for a specific service of interest to the Client in accordance with the tariff specified on the website.


3.1 The Contractor shall:

3.1.1 Organise and   ensure proper quality provision of services provided for in clause  2.1 of this Agreement, in accordance with the tariff selected by the Client.

3.1.2 Provide access to information counselling according to the tariffs selected by the Client.

3.2 The Executor has the right:

3.2.1 Refuse to provide new services to the Client if the Client has previously committed violations provided for by the civil legislation and the present contract, which give the Contractor the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfil the contract.

3.2.2 Terminate the agreement if the Client violates the conditions specified in clause  3.4, clause  8 of this Offer.
3.2.3 Unilaterally change the tariffs specified on the website without notifying the Customer.

3.3 The Client shall have the right:

3.3.1 Request from the Contractor to provide information on issues concerning the organisation and ensuring proper performance of the services posted on the Contractor’s websites specified in the present contract.
3.3.2 Demand from the Contractor the proper performance of services on the terms and conditions posted on the website.

3.3.3 The Buyer has the right to send all claims regarding improper provision of services to the e-mail address specified on the website.

3.4 The Client is obliged:

3.4.1 Provide true information when registering on the Website, and if it is changed, inform the Contractor about it within three calendar days.

3.4.2 Pay for the services in a timely manner.

3.4.3 When gaining access to common resources and chats provided by the Contractor, do not insult and don't be aggressive in relation to the Contractor’s attitude to the following
to other participants of the chat/online broadcast or other resource.


1. The Client shall pay for the services specified in Section 2 of the Offer by transferring funds to the Contractor’s account. Payment can be made through the website.

2. The Client shall pay for the Contractor’s services on the terms and conditions posted on the website. Payment can be made partially, by making an advance payment (deposit) and further full payment for the services before the beginning of their rendering on the terms specified on the website.

3. In case of change of tariff for the already purchased services or services for which the Customer has made an advance payment (deposit), the cost of services for the Customer shall be deemed to be agreed on the terms and conditions that were in force at the moment of acceptance of the offer.

4. If the Client cancels the services due to circumstances beyond the control of the Executor, the amount of money paid by the Client shall not be refunded.

5. The Contractor shall not be liable for any missed appointments by the Client. In spite of any missed appointments by the Client, the services shall be deemed to have been performed by the Contractor on the basis of the fact of their performance. Payment of the cost of missed appointments shall not be compensated and shall not be refunded to the Client if the fact of the meeting is established and other Clients were present at the meeting.


1. The Client shall respect the Contractor’s copyrights to all meeting materials provided in the course of providing the services.

2. The Client is forbidden to copy, post on his own behalf, place in public access, transfer to third parties any video or text materials with the purpose of further use for personal commercial purposes.

1. The Client’s personal data shall be processed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated 27.07.2006 N2981↩152-FZ.

2. When registering on the Website, the Customer provides the following information: surname, first name, contact telephone number, e-mail address.

3. By submitting his personal data to the Contractor, the Client agrees to their processing by the Contractor, including for the purposes of fulfilling the Contractor’s obligations to the Client, promoting the Contractor’s services, conducting electronic and SMS surveys, monitoring the results of marketing campaigns, customer support, conducting prize drawings among the Clients, monitoring the Client’s satisfaction, as well as the quality of services provided by the Contractor.

4. Processing of personal data means any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed by the Contractor with or without the use of automation means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change) extraction, use, depersonalisation, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

5. The Contractor has the right to use the technology of "cookies". "Cookies" do not contain confidential information. The Client hereby consents to the collection, analysis and use of cookies, including by third parties for the purposes of statistics generation and optimisation of advertising messages.

6. The Executor receives information about the Website visitor’s  ip-address. This information is not used to identify the visitor.

7. The Contractor shall not be liable for the information provided by the Client on the Website in a publicly available form.

8. The Contractor shall have the right to record telephone conversations and video broadcasts with the Client, and the Contractor undertakes to prevent unauthorised access to the information obtained during telephone conversations, video broadcasts and/or its transfer to third parties not directly related to the provision of services in accordance with clause.  4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection".


1. Neither of the Parties shall be liable for full or partial non-performance of any of their obligations under this Contract if the non-performance is caused by force majeure. The Party for whom the circumstances have made it impossible to fulfil its obligations is obliged to immediately notify the other Party of the force majeure.
of the occurrence, expected duration and termination of the above circumstances. Failure to notify or untimely notification shall deprive the Parties of the right to invoke any of the above circumstances as a basis for exempting them from liability for  the performance of the above circumstances
for non-fulfilment of the obligation.


1. This Agreement shall come into force from the moment of acceptance of this Public Offer by the Client and shall remain in force until the Parties fulfil their obligations to each other.

2 The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to this Contract at any time at its own discretion, such changes shall come into force from the moment of posting of the amended text of the Contract, if any other term for the changes to come into force is specified in the Contract.

Contractor: Olga Mikhailovna Potapova (Taxpayer Identification Number 165 505 673 209)
Public offer