
facets of coaching

for yourself

Experience a life of joy and delight
coaching expert

#On coaching
What I'm suggesting

Awakening coaching is the art of facilitating the development of another person, which goes beyond mere advice because it involves guiding and assisting in the development of your personality.
With the help of a psychoanalytic approach, you can discover your true potential and achieve a high quality of life.
It's not just setting goals and achieving them it's understanding the underlying causes of your behaviour.
I'm here to make sure ...

They will direct your efforts in the right direction and lead to the desired result.
2 vectors of coaching
You will receive personalised advice to help you define your path and create a training programme tailored to you
Discussion on perspective
For your goals, you need not only motivation, but and strategic planning with productive workouts
Creating a roadmap
Suitable for

Dreaming of unlocking your potential?
Together we ll find motivation and sources of inspiration on the path to the cherished goal.

I want to fulfil my potential!
Ready for a change in life?
Let an experienced expert help you achieve your goals and thrive. Let’s start the journey together!

I wanna change my life!
Would you like to gain confidence?
We can create a plan of action and work to implement it to achieve the desired outcome.

Yes! I need the confidence
Determine for yourself  -what is difficult for you to decide?

For every person, there are specific things that are difficult for them to decide to do. It could be fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of change.
Some people may find it difficult to make decisions related to career or personal relationships.
Write to Olga
It is important to identify what is causing your fear or anxiety and work on it.
#Coaching areas
We will define your goals and provide you with tools for achieving them and self-realisation.
Individual coaching sessions will help you discover your true self and live your best life.
I will help you to look at your life path from the side and choose the right direction for your development.
I will support you in finding the job of your dreams and achieving the standard of living you can achieve.
Choose coaching
Choose a coaching topic
text me to schedule an appointment
#One step at a time
What do we do?

1 meeting
- 1 hour
Determine and work through your request, find out what fears, doubts and beliefs do not allow you to move forward to your goal.
Let’s get acquainted
2 meeting
- 1.5 hours
We develop a system of steps to form life habits that will make you take action and start your autopilot.
We’re planning
2 - 4
I don't offer you any magic pills to achieve your goals, you will take the actions that we will discuss.
action plan
Let's do it
Coaching works best when you can track your progress, recognise your achievements and understand the obstacles that are holding you back from realising your goals.
Try it now!
#Question - answer
I'm being asked

#Any questions left?
Write to me

You can request a consultation or sign up for a coaching session simply by filling in the form below
Once you have submitted your application, I will contact you to schedule an appointment at a convenient time.
Let’s get started.
I am happy to start working with you. How can I help you?
If you have any questions or projects you would like to discuss, please email me and I will try to help you in the best way I can.
Thank you for your active co-operation with me!
You can describe how we started coaching and what we came to as a result of working on your dream project.
People's feedback

Auditor, London
In the process of working with Olya, thanks to perfectly formulated questions, we were able to decide what my ideal job would look like in terms of industry, direction, responsibilities, salary and most importantly my motivation.

I contacted a lot of recruiters who deal with companies in this industry. I had 7 interviews and from the 3rd company I received an offer to a hedge fund (!). This position meets all my expectations!

Olga, thank you so much!!!
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